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Lawyer and Client Looking at Estate Planning Document

Common Estate Disputes

Webb & Associates April 12, 2024

Estate planning matters are not only complicated legally—they also evoke strong emotional reactions as they often involve family members and significant changes, such as someone’s death. Because of this, it’s common for conflicts to arise somewhere down the line as the deceased’s estate is administered. For example, certain family members may not receive what they expected and could claim the will is invalid, or the court-appointed administrator may breach their fiduciary duties and mismanage the estate, among many more possibilities.    

At Webb & Associates in Houston, Texas, we understand that each estate dispute is unique, requiring a tailored approach to resolution. We’ve witnessed the breadth of issues that can arise and are eager to help clients through the messy issues of estate disputes. Whether you're currently facing an estate-related conundrum or planning proactively to avoid one, reach out to our firm for trusted legal guidance today. 

Understanding Estate Disputes 

An estate dispute erupts when there’s contention over the assets and debts of the deceased. More than a legal skirmish, it’s often a battleground for underlying frictions within the family or among other beneficiaries. It’s a situation where the law collides with the raw emotions of personal loss. 

Such disagreements can manifest in various ways—from questioning the validity of a will to challenging the appointed executor, and from concerns about a testament's mental soundness to the equitable distribution of assets.  

Common Estate Disputes 

Let’s review the most prevalent estate disputes that echo across probate courts. 

Challenging the Will’s Validity 

A foundational issue often arises from the constituents of a will. Was the deceased of sound mind and understanding when the will was created? Were there undue influences that tarnish the genuineness of the testament? These questions trigger a cascade of disputes that, if unresolved, could compromise the deceased’s final wishes and sow chaos among beneficiaries. 

Absence or Contradictions in the Will 

Sometimes, it’s not what’s in the will that sparks the dispute, but what’s missing or appears to be incorrectly stipulated. Ambiguity, incomplete documents, or changes in the testator’s life circumstances not reflected in the will are fertile grounds for discontent. 

Executor Disputes 

The executor, entrusted to carry out the will, may come under scrutiny. Allegations of mismanagement, conflicts of interest, or simply a lack of competence can bring the probate process to a screeching halt. 

Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence Concerns 

Disputes can hinge on the testator’s state of mind at the time of creating the will. If the individual was coerced, deceived, or incapacitated, the document’s validity is called into question. 

Inequitable Distribution 

What one party deems fair, another may view as skewed. The question of who gets what—and why—can unearth long-standing familial divides. 

Beneficiary Designation Issues 

Life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other assets with named beneficiaries can sidestep the probate process, yet they are not immune to disputes if the designations are questionable or contested. 

Disagreement Over Estate Debts and Obligations 

There are instances where parties cannot agree on the deceased’s debts and responsibilities, leading to conflict over who should shoulder the burdens. 

Remedies and Solutions for Estate Disputes 

In any estate conflict, a clear and efficient path to resolution is essential. Our experienced legal team has honed strategies that usher our clients through the complexities of the probate process with resolution and peace of mind. 

Mediation: Opening the Lines of Dialogue 

It’s often said that the first casualty of any war is communication. In the theater of estate disputes, mediation resurrects the lines of dialogue. A neutral third party facilitates discussions, allowing each side to voice their concerns and search for common ground. Mediation often resolves disputes without the need for robust court battles. 

Litigation as a Last Resort 

When negotiation and mediation falter, litigation becomes a necessary course for some disputes. Our estate planning attorney is adept at litigating complex cases, steadfastly advocating for our clients’ rights before a judge. 

Trust and Estate Litigation Support 

Estate disputes require a keen understanding of trust and estate laws. Our practice is steeped in the nuances of this area, and we provide steadfast support to ensure your case is grounded in the most current legal precedents and statutes. 

Contesting a Will 

If you have genuine concerns about a will’s validity or its handling, we stand ready to contest on your behalf. With a comprehensive understanding of the complications involved in challenging a will, we guide you through each stage with unwavering commitment. 

Executor Representation 

Our representation extends to executors who find themselves in the crosshairs of grievances. We defend their actions and decisions, ensuring they are not unduly persecuted for fulfilling their fiduciary duties. 

Rely on Our Experienced Legal Guidance 

Estate disputes are a confluence of legal, emotional, and relational challenges. Our team exists to offer clarity amidst the turmoil and guide you through the tasks of resolution. We are more than lawyers; we are partners, committed to your peace of mind and to stewarding the legacy of those who have passed on, justly and according to their final wishes.  

Trust in our services. Lean on the experience of our team at Webb & Associates in Houston, Texas. Together, we’ll tackle your estate dispute with confidence, ensuring your rights and interests are protected at all times.